Saleena Ram- Embracing Music, Beauty, and Spirituality Through Her Artistry
Saleena Ram has indulged in the creative arts her entire life. She takes a special interest in studying Hindustani classical...

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Saleena Ram- Embracing Music, Beauty, and Spirituality Through Her Artistry

Saleena Ram has indulged in the creative arts her entire life. She takes a special interest in studying Hindustani classical music and constantly learns to express herself and her emotions as she continues to explore the world of spirituality and religion.

Saleena is an active, yet humble member of our community that has obtained many achievements. In 2019, she won first place in female vocal at the first Kala Utsav hosted in New York City by the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha. Currently, she is a music teacher to students of all ages and continues to perform at various events across the community.

Saleena’s passion for art and music has led her to be involved in various charity events across her community. She uses her talents to help raise funds and bring awareness to help support meaningful causes that she one day believes will impact our community for the better.

She currently holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology, with a minor in Fine Arts from the City College of New York. One day she hopes to use her knowledge of music and art to further her career in clinical research and psychotherapy. She advocates for the importance mental health and strongly encourages the youths of our community to explore self awareness and mindfulness. Saleena believes “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton

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